15/04/2022 21:47

Welcome gentlemen, on behalf of Dana Boissoneau and Terry Williston (League Coordinators), we would like to wish everyone a fun and enjoyable season.
May 4: League registration fees due ($300 per team); and hopefully course opening day. This fee date is required due to the wait list and full commitment due to scheduling. Please contact the coordinators regarding e-transfer information.
League Coordinators. Terry Williston and Dana Boissoneau (705-971-9300)
May 18 or 25: Tentative League opening round, weather permitting, team scramble round.
May 18 or 25: At the conclusion of the team scramble, the schedule will be decided upon a situational random draw format
July 6: mid-season banquet. Please have extra meals paid to the course by 2 weeks prior to banquet.
August 24: Start of Playoffs (you can ONLY utilize those players registered to your team and each player MUST have a minimum 4 full rounds played to qualify.)
September 4, 14 or 21: League Playoff Finals/Banquet (all dependant on the weather and playoff rounds).   Please have extra meals paid to the course by 2 weeks prior to banquet.
Schedule is tentative, all dependant upon start date.

Important Notes:
Shot gun start time is at 5:15pm SHARP! Please be early to be ready to begin at this designated start time (IE: heading to your starting hole @ 5:00pm at the latest).
RECOMMENDATION regarding match play: Even Averages, play head-to-head and then the remaining players play versus least number of strokes given. However, it is the final discretion on each team who will play one another.
Please keep your scorecard and sheets neat and complete with all of players’ information and properly filled out.
Please include the players’ first and last names.
Score sheets must be signed by both teams (any scoring disagreements must be settled prior to handing into coordinators. Best to have these discrepancies handled on course when/prior to occurrence).
League weekly Round green fees: $28/week. Course members do not require this fee; however, EACH participant must still register with the course upon arrival for each round played. Hopefully, there will be 2 locations for league night registration. Additionally, for those that participate in an early round, this fee will be $48, and the full amount must be paid at check in time. If you are not planning to golf in the league night, then you will be considered a walk on and be charged course prices.
Please be familiar with your divisional colour coded special’s sign-up sheet.
New world golf rules.
OPTION, Senior age is 60+, which gives the league member the OPTION (not a rule) to utilize the forward tee.
OPTION, Youth aged 16 and under, which gives the league member the OPTION (not a rule) to utilize the forward tee.
Players 17+ must utilize the BLUE TEEs.
Each team can ONLY utilize those players registered to your team and each player MUST have a minimum 4 full rounds of play to qualify for the playoffs. During regular season play, teams can utilize players on the spare list.
The course is planning to have new check in controls unrelated to the league.
Rain situation: please have your team prepared to golf every week. Course management will have final say. The earliest for any decision regarding cancelation will be 4:30pm. Coordinators to elaborate at representative meeting.

Year End Prizes
Regular season Divisional Team Champs: names on a plaque and $100/team.
Regular season Individual Points leader: $100; Runner up: $50
Playoff “A” Division Champs: Team name on trophy + $400
Playoff “A” Division runner up: $200
Playoff “B” Division Champs: $ prize to be determined and Team name on Trophy
Playoff “B” Division Runner Up: $ prize to be determined.

Playoff Format at the end of the 13-week season play
The 1st place teams in each division will play one another to determine regular season champions ONLY.  This round will not affect these teams’ playoff seedings.

The Playoff Format will be a crossover style playoff with a small edit related to 28 teams. The winners of the first round of playoffs will be placed in the “A” division and the losers will be placed in the “B” division.  The following rounds will be elimination play.


As of 2022, averages will be adjusted into the playoff rounds.