04/07/2021 15:52



Well here we are, nearing the midway point. As in years past we have had mid-season meals at the conclusion of the round, this year we will be continuing this tradtion. As the teams are aware with the team league fees: ONLY 4 meals are supplied, thus for the extra team members that do participate next week, each additional meal will be an extra $14. Please see Dana this week regarding numbers and payments. We will need these extra meals to be paid in advance this week. Please ALL teams make sure a representative speaks with Dana this week regarding this administration detail.

As per the league spares ("free agents"), the same will go for all of you as well. Please speak with Dana if you do plan to participate in the meal next week.

Mid-season meal will be Monday, July 12 and Wednesday July 14. Extra meals: $14 each, payment to Dana.

Next week may be the only week that players are discouraged to participate in both days due to administrative factors.


Please be familiar with the playoff brackets because we have had issues regarding teams and work schedules already. There is potential for every team to play Monday-Wednesday-Monday. Please be familiar and have your team's work schedules adjusted accordingly as we will not be able to adjust the playoff bracket scheduling. 

ASIDE: ONLY due to inclament weather will the playoff brackets be adjusted as we have 1 or 2 mondays to fill in the needed scheduling.


Regarding playoffs again. Be sure to have your team members have 3 rounds minimum to qualify for playoffs. Players registered on your teams will be the only players that will qualify to participate for your team during playoffs. The spare list will NOT be in play during the playoffs. There are free agents out there as well.


BUNKERS: ALL bunkers are in play. There was some concern regarding the large right hand side bunker on 18th. This bunker and all others are in play. If there is a concern regarding bunkers, please set this concern up with your 8-some prior to hitting the first ball.


The week (week 8) after the mid-season, the league will be moving up the shot gun start due to losing daylight. Starting Monday July 19th and Wednesday July 21st, tee-times will be moved up to 5:15pm start.  NO LONGER will 530pm be the starting time. Please have your teammates at the course by 5pm at the latest to be prepared to start at 515pm.


If there are any concerns with any of these points, please speak with Dana or Terry.

Miigwetch. See everyone this week. Looks like the extreme heat has begun. Please dress accordingly and keep hydrated.